LinkedIn Single Image Ads Library

LinkedIn Single Image Ads are one of LinkedIn’s most used advertising formats! Inspire yourself by viewing over 559.417 + LinkedIn Single Image Ad examples on our LinkedIn Ads Library.

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About LinkedIn Single Image Ads

LinkedIn Image ads are an ad format offered by LinkedIn. Image ads provide a way to reach a professional audience. This ad format is excellent for showcasing visuals. With image ads, promote your message in the LinkedIn feed. Single Image Ads can target a specific audience.

LinkedIn Single Image Ads Best Practices

Keep the description to less than 70 characters. Computers may compress content that exceeds 100 characters.

Instead of typical thumbnails, use bigger picture formats. A suggested resolution would be 1200 x 627 pixels. Content with higher graphics performs better—the difference in performance with a 38 percent higher CTR (click-through rates).

Feature a clear CTA (call to action) to make the audience aware of how to react.

Ad targeting should be specific but not so exact that it narrows your audience. Tip: Start with the location and two more targeting factors. Proceed by following best practices for ad targeting.

LinkedIn Single Image Ad Examples Library can help you save time and money on your LinkedIn ad campaigns. Our Ads Library consists of over 1 million LinkedIn ad examples. The ads come from over 60,000 advertisers in 150 countries.

In seconds, you can find proven LinkedIn ad campaigns to model. Skip weeks of costly testing and save money on advertising. Don’t pass up this opportunity to make your content creation process smoother.

So, if you’re tired of inefficient ad spending, give a try! Our tool will not disappoint you as you seek to create the best LinkedIn ads!